Standort: / Meldung: ""Seven Minutes of Terror""

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

6. 8. 2012 - 13:50

"Seven Minutes of Terror"

Reality Check: Curiosity rover lands on Mars, Greek police round up illegal immigrants in Athens

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They were calling it the "Seven Minutes of Terror" - and the tension at NASA during the last minutes before the touchdown of the Curiosity robotic explorer on Mars was tangible.

However, it all ended happily and Curiosity glided to a gentle, safe landing inside a giant crater, exactly as planned.

Now, as sighs of relief go up around the world from scientists eagerly monitoring the mission, the real work of Curiosity gets underway. The rover is about the side of a small car, it is nuclear powered, and if carries more equipment than you would think it possible to fit into such a small vehicle.

Professor Mark Sims, from the British National Space Centre in Leicester, told Steve Crilley about what the mission hopes to achieve and its chances of success.

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Greece rounds up illegal immigrants

Greek police are reported to have rounded up around 5.000 people and made over 1.000 arrests in a crackdown on illegal immigrants.

Illegal immigration has become a major issue in Greece following the economic crisis and increasing support for the far right "Golden Dawn" party.

Our Athens correspondent, Mark Lowen, told Chris Cummins about the police action, and the factors driving attitudes towards immigration in Greece.

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