Standort: / Meldung: "Space Zeppelin: Summer Olympics Special (Ep. V)"

Johnny Bliss

Disorderly artist, journalist, and late night moderator, with a fetish for microphone-based hooliganism.

26. 7. 2012 - 10:22

Space Zeppelin: Summer Olympics Special (Ep. V)

The first season of the Space Zeppelin may be over, but the musicians have returned to the stage for an encore. To mark the occasion of the 2012 London Olympics, we have returned with a special satirical episode, 7 days on demand.

Captain's Log: Stardate 274-2503, Sonic Year 15974.

Space Zeppelin Episode I
Space Zeppelin Episode II
Space Zeppelin Episode III
Space Zeppelin Episode IV
Space Zeppelin Episode V:
Tonight on FM4 Homebase Parade, between 21-22Uhr

After nearly dying from a literally broken (well, laser-blasted, to be exact) heart in the jungles of Rakiuron, and nearly losing our Space Zeppelin to the Empire's fleet, and nearly losing our Chief Engineer Krolli van Krolli to the Crepuscular Alliance, well... it was time for a vacation.

Christoph Sepin, 2012

And what a vacation it has been. Newly freed from the perils of having a massive ransom out on our heads, we took a series of hyperspace jumps back to my home planet of Vancouvearth, where I have spent the last eight days or so visiting with family and relaxing on the beach, with beautiful snow-capped mountains visible in the distance.

I think Krolli is getting a little edgy, although he also does seem to like it here. Perhaps the landscape here reminds him a bit of Austra Centauri.

But something else is going on too. I think he is increasingly frustrated with the traction that the Empire have all around the Solarheizungsystem, even after their business model has been squashed by the successful release of the blueprints to our Love, Truth, and interview-fueled Engine.

Oh, and he is especially frustrated with their Lovelympic Games, although I don't understand why. The Empire may be the primary sponsor of those events, but on the other hand, the professional athletes and truthletes actually competing are certainly free of any ulterior motives. It's a fun event, and (in my view) worth not being all partisan about.

I'll try one more time to talk some sense into him. . .

Meanwhile, here are some scenes from tonight's episode.

Christoph Sepin, 2012

Captain Bliss playing Lovelympic football?!

Christoph Sepin, 2012

Chief Engineer Krolli van Krolli playing table tennis against FNERR?!

Christoph Sepin, 2012

Crewmember Flukas drowning in a Swimming Pool?!?!?!!

Episode IV Credits

Cast of Characters (in order of appearance):

Cromwell - Chris Cummins
Empress - Julia Barnes
Flukas - Lukas Tagwerker
Johnny Bliss - himself
Krolli van Krolli - Roland Gratzer
The Al-Bot - Albert Farkas
A bunch of random people (Interview; Vancouver, BC)
HAL The Computer - Hal Rock
DAVE The Computer - David Dempsey
Fleet Commander Eight - Joe Joe Bailey
Empire/ILC Voice - Joanna Bostock
Chancellor Blutenau - Martin Blumenau
FM4 Charity Football Match (Interview/Live Skit; Vienna, AT)
Water Polo Players - Chris Cummins, Simon Welebil
Empire Stormtrooper - Paul Schiff (Curbs; Pauls)
Helena the Vulkan - Nina Hofer
Parallel Stuart Freeman - Stuart Freeman
Parallel Judith Revers - Judith Revers
A bunch of random people (Interview; London, UK)
Joanna Bostock - herself
Paul Brennan - himself

iron sky space zeppelins

Blind Spot Pictures, 2012

Here are some Space Zeppelins from the recent movie Iron Sky.

Script/Direction: Johnny Bliss
Production: Sebastian Schlachter, Johnny Bliss & Christoph Weiss
Post-Production (Editing): Johnny Bliss & Sebastian Schlachter
Original Soundtrack: Christoph 'Burst Up' Weiss (Schönheitsfehler)
Original Artwork: Christoph Sepin (Quiz3000)

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