Standort: / Meldung: "Poland is booming, while the EU goes bust"

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

6. 6. 2012 - 14:59

Poland is booming, while the EU goes bust

Reality Check: The "Polish miracle", Abu Yahya al-Libi, Russia protest crackdown, Wisconsin Republican win, corruption group,

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It's being called the Polish Miracle. So far, Poland has been relatively unaffected by the financial crisis and is still enjoying economic growth.

Our Warsaw correspondent, John Beauchamp, explains why this is, and why it might be about to change.

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Al Qaeda leader killed by drone attack

Abu Yahya al-Libi was killed in a US drone strike on Pakistan on Monday. The US is saying it's a major blow to Al Qaeda, but many analysts are unconvinced.

"The elimination of Al Qaeda, or al Qaeda leaders, is not necessarily going t mean an end to the problem" MJ Gohel

Although a young and charismatic figure, his death is unlikely to have any major impact on the Al Qaeda movement, MJ Gohel of the Asia-Pacific Foundation gives his analysis of al-Libi's role, and the deteriorating relations between the US and Pakistan.

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Russia cracks down on protests

The Russian Duma has passed a bill which dramatically raises the fines for violations of the public rallies law from around Euro 120 to about Euro 7000. Charles Maynes reports from Moscow on the public and political reaction to what is being seen as a major blow to freedom and democracy.

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Key win for Republican in Wisconsin

The govenor of Wisconsin, Scott Walker, has survived a recall vote attempting to oust him from office.

The vote resulted from his controversial plan to limit union powe and workers' collective bargaining rights. Priscilla Huff looks at the significance of the vote for Wisconsin and for the upcoming Presidential election.

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Corruption in Europe

Transparency International discusses it latest report that shows corruption to be rife across Europe.

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