Standort: / Meldung: "Hey Salzburg!"

Johnny Bliss

Disorderly artist, journalist, and late night moderator, with a fetish for microphone-based hooliganism.

14. 4. 2012 - 06:00

Hey Salzburg!

What song were you listening to, er, last year?

Spring and summer of last year, I was part of a small group of unconnected internet pioneers, who, following the lead of a Youtuber named Tyler Cullen, posted videos from major cities around the world, where we asked people who were wearing headphones, "What are you listening to?"

This was, like, in May 2011. So it's even an old meme by Real World standards. By internet standards, this concept is as old as these phones.

Johnny Bliss, 2012

Still, I'm hoping that people still find the videos generally enjoyable in a timeless sense. The last video I made was in Salzburg in autumn on a very warm and sunny day, and we all thought it would be a shame not to put it online, so as to give the meme a proper sense of closure.

So, with no further ado, here is the last video in my series, "Hey Austria! What song are you listening to??!!"

Hey Salzburg! What song are you listening to?