Erstellt am: 29. 3. 2012 - 17:49 Uhr
Reality Check: Strikes, BRICS and the Law
Hundreds of flights to and from Spain have been cancelled amid a general strike against labour reforms. Spain has the highest unemployment figures across the European Union. The government hopes the reforms will help cut unemployment. Unions feel it will make it easier to fire workers. Riem Higazi speaks to Guy Hedgecoe in Madrid for an update:
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The Criminal Procedure Law
There was an uproar when changes to the "Strafprozessordnung" were announced earlier this month. They would have affected the confidentiality of journalists, lawyers, doctors and priests. The changes have now been watered down, but will that satisfy the critics? Gennie Johnson finds out more from the President of the Austrian Bar Association, Rupert Wolff:
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The leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa are gathering in India today for a summit. Together they accound for 45 percent of the world's population and a quarter of the global economy. But can these countries build up the matching political clout? Geeta Pandey in New Delhi tells Hal Rock what's being said at the summit:
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The justices in the US Supreme Court have been listening to the legal arguments for and against universal health-care coverage. They are to rule in June on the central issue: is it constitutional to force Americans to buy health care coverage. Where do things stand now? Author and political commentator Steven Hill gives us his view:
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Afghan Women in prison
Hundreds of Afghan women are in prison after having been accused and convicted of so-called “moral crimes” including “running away” and having sex outside marriage, according to campaign group Human Rights Watch.
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