Standort: / Meldung: "Winds of Change?"

Joanna Bostock

Reading between the headlines.

1. 3. 2012 - 15:22

Winds of Change?

Reality Check: Progress in North Korea? A United States of Europe? Plus investigating the greedy rich and how to successfully memorise.


North Korean leader Kim Jong Un visiting troops from the Korea's People's Army. Photo: North Korea News Agency KCNA

North Korea Trades Nukes for Food?

North Korea has agreed to halt its nuclear tests and long-range missile launches in return for food aid packages according. Inspectors will also be allowed to visit North Korea's Yongbyon nuclear complex to verify a halt to all nuclear activities including uranium enrichment as part of the deal. Could this development be too good to be true? Expert on the Koreas, Aidan Foster-Carter gives us some insight:

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The Most Dangerous Place on the Planet to be a Journalist... officially Syria now. Seven journalists have been killed in the few months that constitute the year 2012. An undetermined number of citizen-journalists have lost their lives too. Naomi Hunt, Press Freedom Adviser for Africa, Middle East and North Africa at the International Press Institute , tells us about an international effort being undertaken to protect journalists in Syria:

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A View of the Eurozone from the Outside

Protests against austerity measures being imposed in the Eurozone were held in Belgium, Spain and Greece yesterday and today, a European Union summit is being held to address unemployment and boosting economic growth in the region. We've heard this all before, we know the drill. But what does the Eurozone look like from the outside? American political commentator and author of " Europe's Promise", Steven Hill knows:

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super villa super cannes


Super Villa, Cannes, France

Rich People are Not Nice

Daniel Stancato co-authored a study that proves the richer you get, the more selfish you are likely to be. He tells us how he and his colleagues investigated this particular personality trait:

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The Memory Man

Ed Cooke, Memory Man


Ed Cooke can memorise a 1000-digit number. No joke. He has unlocked the parts of his brain responsible for making harvested information STICK! What makes Ed even cooler is that he wants to share his superhuman powers with the world and can teach anybody to be a Memory Man/Woman:

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