Erstellt am: 28. 2. 2012 - 16:07 Uhr
Syria: the "wild west" of the Middle East?
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Syria's weapons...
The danger of Syria's chemical and biological weapons falling into the hands of terrorists or warring factions if Assad's regime collapses.Security analyst, Charles Heyman, says that while the government has good control over the weapons stocks at present, if the regime collapses the country could quickly dissolve into a "wild west of the Middle East". He says that the current situation in Libya, with armed militias roaming from one part of the country to the next, could be replicated in Syria and ultimately across the region.
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...and refugees
As the violence in Syria continutes, there is a growing wave of refugees leaving the country, mostly heading for Lebanon and Turkey.
At present, the situation is reasonably well under control, but the future is very uncertain.
Ruth Schoeffl of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees told Riem Higazi about the conditions refugees are facing and the concerns that the situation could deteriorate rapidly if a solution is not found soon.
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"Occupy St Pauls" protesters evicted
Religious activists are supporting the protesters as police remove the Occupy movement from St Pauls, but has the movement really reached its end? Olly Barrat reports on the eviction and the future plans of the Occupy movement.
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Trial of US citizens in Egypt
16 American members of pro-democracy groups are on trial in Cairo charged with using foreign funds to stir up unrest, causing further tensions in US-Egyptian relations. Abdel Rahman Hussein tells Joanna Bostock about the trial and the way US-Egyptian relations are being soured.
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Google changes privacy policies
UK civil liberties campaigner, Nick Pickles, explains how Google are consolidating their privacy policy and using private data to target advertising.
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FM4 Reality Check
Monday to Friday from 12.00 to 14.00, and after the show via Podcast or