Standort: / Meldung: ""Die neuen Juden" and The Same Old, Same Old"

Riem Higazi

Cultural mash-ups, political slip-ups, and other things that make me go hmmm.

31. 1. 2012 - 16:27

"Die neuen Juden" and The Same Old, Same Old

Reality Check: Heinz Christian Strache and reverse psychology, pensions may not live forever, Florida hosts a US Republican show-down, Greece wants to be left alone, and an Austrian Sparpaket is a hard thing to agree upon

strache wkr ball 2012


"Die neuen Juden"

FPÖ Parliament member HC Strache is usually good for a controversial soundbite and he didn’t disappoint with the statements he made at the WKR Ball this past Friday. He referred to the guests of the ball being harassed by anti-WKR Ball demonstrators as “die neuen Juden” and compared what the guests had endured to the Reichskristallnacht. Riem Higazi spoke to award-winning journalist and author of many books on Austrian history Hans Rauscher—about the statements and peculiar reverse-psychology tactics….

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"When I’m 64"

When I grow old and losing my hair, many years from now... those are the first lines of a Beatles classic but nowadays, losing one’s hair isn’t a big priority, it’s more like—am I going to lose my pension? Joanna Bostock spoke with pensions expert Bernd Marin to see how young people will fare when they’re 64.

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newt and mitt


Newt Gingrich (l) and Mitt Romney (right, eh klar)

Mitt vs Newt

Tomorrow is going to be the day that pretty much decides it—who is going to face US President Barack Obama come next November’s election. Will it be Mitt Romney or does Newt Gingrich still stand a chance? Florida is a so-called "swing state" and has some other pretty interesting aspects to it with regards to the vital primary happening there tomorrow. FM4 US correspondent Priscilla Huff breaks it down for us.

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Greece vs Germany

If it was a football match, it may be exciting to watch but the Greece vs Germany spectacle going on right now is not necessarily exciting though it is making many people very anxious. The big question is—how much is the EU allowed to meddle in another member-state’s financial affairs? Especially if the one member-state (Germany) is taking the reins and insisting another member-state (Greece) needs to hand power over its budget to Brussels? Those are the kind of questions Chris Cummins put to FM4 Brussels correspondent Vanessa Mock.

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Working Together...

If you’ve ever tried to set a household budget in a WG, you’ll know that it can be tricky to meet everyone’s needs while saving money. That’s how Austrian politicians are feeling as they try to figure out how to move forward on Austria’s "Sparpaket". Margit Schratzenstaller, an expert on budget policy at the WiFo, tells us about the latest trials and tribulations when it comes to trying to come to an agreement…

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