Standort: / Meldung: "Tunisia - the lingering aroma of jasmine"

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

13. 1. 2012 - 15:50

Tunisia - the lingering aroma of jasmine

Reality Check: Tunisia, prisoner releases in Burma, early pensions in Austria, Republican candidates Perry and Gingrich, comedy show The Second City.

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One year ago, Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali fled Tunisia in the face of the Jasmine Revolution. The self- immolation and death of the unemployed young man, Mouhammed Bouazizi, had led to the fall of the first leader of what was to become the Arab Spring.

A year on, Tunisians have a new president, and a parliament responsible for writing and passing a new constitution that will pave the way forwards. So far, the direction the Tunisians seem to be choosing is similar to the Turkish model of an Islamic democracy.

North Africa expert, Patrick Smith, tells Elizabeth Alcock about the developments over the last year and how the future looks for the country that is now settling down and desperate to rejuvenate it's European tourism business.

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  • Burma prisoner release

Today, Burma released nearly 600 political prisoners, among them some of the country's key opposition figures. The government also made an agreement with the Karen National Union group of ethnic minorities. But do these steps really reflect a change in the attitude of the government, or is it just a matter of cosmetic changes to encourage the west to lift its sanctions? Kate Farmer talks to Anna Roberts of the Burma Campaign.

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  • Pensions in Austria

Austria has an aging population and young people in Austria are convinced there will be no state pension available to them when they retire. However, more and more people are taking early retirement, often taking advantage of disability pensions despite being apparently healthy. Pensions expert Bernd Marin explains how the system was planned, and how it is being abused, to Joanna Bostock.

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Riem Higazi profiles the last two in our series on Republican hopefuls for the nomination to face Obama in November.

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Chris Cummins meets one of the US's most famous comedy teams, which is currently playing in Vienna.

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