Standort: / Meldung: "What is the Definition of Madness?"

Riem Higazi

Cultural mash-ups, political slip-ups, and other things that make me go hmmm.

30. 11. 2011 - 15:37

What is the Definition of Madness?

The British Embassy in Tehran gets ransacked, the UK comes to a virtual stand-still, a film festival dedicated to human rights, re-assessing Stonehenge, and the Norway shooter has definitively been declared insane.



Plant a bomb in a busy city center and kill 8 people. Get in a boat, arrive at a summer camp island not too far from the city center and systematically murder 69 furthur people, most of them under 20 years old... These were the devastating actions of Anders Behring Breivik this past summer and today, he has been officially declared for insane. This has divided the Norwegian public--why? Steve crilley asked just that of our Norway correspondent Ketil Stensrud.

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Britain Strikes

Border workers joined teachers and hospital staff in Britain on Wednesday for a public-sector strike over government spending cuts they say will make them pay more and work longer for their pensions. Our reporter in London, Olly Barrett, told Steve Crilley more...

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Britain's embassy in Tehran, stormed and damaged by angry protesters yesterday, was closed for business today. But there's WAY more to this story.
Gennie Johnson asked our security analyst Paul Rogers about suggestions that the protest may have taken place with the approval of the Iranian authorities...

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Maria Motters recommendations for This Human World Filmfestival

This Human World

A film festival focusing on human rights across the world, kicks off in Vienna tonight. Joanna Bostock spoke to organiser Julian Berner and the curator Sandra Benecchi.

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The Essence of Stonehenge Re-visited

We know it was built about 4000 years ago but no one could ever really figure out why it was made. Well, a group of archeologists from the universities of Birmingham and Vienna may have figured that out. Riem Higazi spoke with one of the archeologists, Dr. Wolfgang Neubauer.

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