Erstellt am: 25. 11. 2011 - 15:41 Uhr
Tension in Tahrir, Mistrust in Morocco

As an eventful week draws to a close, there’s no sign of calm just days ahead of the scheduled beginning of parliamentary elections. The Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (Scaf) appoints Kamal Ganzouri as prime minister, but protesters in Tahrir Square aren’t satisfied. Gennie Johnson gets the latest from correspondent Bel Trew:
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The powers that be in Morocco have been let off relatively lightly by the Arab Spring, but the country does now have a new constitution and is holding parliamentary elections. But what do the people think and will they even vote? Riem Higazi reports:
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Indian Supermarkets
Here in Western Europe we’re used to doing our shopping in big supermarkets, but in India a new law to open up the retail market to global supermarket chains is causing an uproar, as correspondent Geeta Pandey explains:
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More negative headlines on financial affairs in Europe as the credit rating agency Moody’s cuts Hungary’s debt to “junk” grade. Nick Thorpe in Budapest tells Gennie Johnson what’s going on:
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Walking the Dog
Previewing this evening’s Short Cuts / Erich Fried Tage event at the Literaturhaus in Vienna, we talk to British illustrator David Hughes:
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