Erstellt am: 24. 11. 2011 - 15:45 Uhr
Another one bites the dust...

President Ali Abdullah Saleh has signed a deal under which he will step down after months of unrest. He signed the deal in the Saudi capital Riyadh but is it done and dusted? Analysis from security expert Paul Rogers:
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Gennie Johnson interviews Mousab Azzawi from the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, is has been monitoring the Syrian government’s 8 month crackdown on protesters:
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There have been worrying reports about illegal hacking into the phones of journalists – Anthony Mills from the International Press Institute is in the studio with the details:
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Foreign Aid
Development expert Niels Dabelstein gives Chris Cummins an update on efforts to make sure aid money is spent effectively:
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Clean Clothes
Before you buy that new skiing or snowboarding equipment, listen to Riem Higazi’s interview about the working conditions for the people that made it and a campaign by Clean Clothes Campaign:
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