Erstellt am: 21. 10. 2011 - 14:17 Uhr
The Death of a Dictator

Libyans celebrate the fall of Sirte and death of fugitive former Leader Muammar Gaddafi in Tripoli. Photo:EPA/SABRI ELMHEDWI
Libya – What now?
People are still on the streets celebrating the demise of their former dictator. Questions are still being asked about how Muammar Gaddafi died. Authorities wrangle with the dilemma of what to do with his body, but they also have to wrangle with what to do with the country now that he is gone. We hear from a member of the National Transitional Council, Tripoli correspondent Ian Black, Middle East journalist Gudrun Harrer and international relations commentator James Boys:
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Thailand – the politics of flood response
The country's worst floods in half a century have begun seeping into the outer districts of the capital Bankok. The government has opened several key floodgates to let water flow through the city’s canals toward the sea, but it’s a risky move, not just for the nearby residents but also for the government. Chris Cummins got the latest from our correspondent Tony Cheng:
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Rainbow Warrior III
As the third incarnation of the flagship of the environmental organisation Greenpeace takes to the seas for the first time, Captain Joel Steward tells Chris Cummins about the vessel and its mission:
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Stories from Iceland
Icelandic writer Hallgrimur Helgason, author of Reykjavik 101 and other works, tells Chris Cummins why Icelanders I are great storytellers and why we should listen more to our elders:
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