Erstellt am: 20. 10. 2011 - 16:02 Uhr
RC Today: **BREAKING NEWS** Gaddafi Dead!

EPA zu Gaddafis Tod
Ein „Runder Tisch“ befasst sich ab 22.30 Uhr in ORF2 mit dem Tod Gaddafis und den Folgen.
FM4 Reality Check
Monday to Friday from 12 to 14, and after the show via Podcast or
Goodbye Golden Robes
At approximately 13:00 today, the FM4 Newsroom started buzzing with what the news wire services were publishing. News that Muammar Gaddafi, Libya's 40-year-ruler, had been captured, injured, possibly killed... It all came streaming in fast and furious. As soon as confirmations could be made, we interrupted our regular Reality Check programming to report the latest.
Rest assured, Reality Check will get all the details and will ask about the ramifications of the toppling of a leader like Gaddafi and we'll get that to you on tomorrow's Reality Check!

Corruption, Austro-Style
The Austrian lobbyist Peter Hochegger says EVERYBODY does it! Cash-for-contacts, bribery, a little off the top...
Falter journalist Barbara Toth has taken a closer look at Peter Hochegger at the height of his lobbying activities and she told Chris Cummins some very interesting things about this chapter in Hochegger's life.
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Euro-Crisis Chapter 1000
Greece - violent protests again. Spain and Italy - downgraded. Portugal - doesn't look too rosy either. Ministers will be meeting this Sunday to come up with a master plan which they hope will at the very least, calm the stormy economic waters the EU finds itself in. But wait - wasn’t that exactly what the Europe’s bailout fund the EFSF was supposed to do? Hal Rock finds out more from FM4's EU correspondent Nadia Hahn.
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The International Language of Violence
USA, Russia and European countries have in the past supplied large quantities of weapons to repressive governments despite having evidence of a substantial risk that they could be used to commit serious human rights violations. Not exactly a newsflash but what may be news to you is how Austria is involved in all of this. Amnesty International's Heinz Patzelt gave Elizabeth Alcock the lowdown...
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One Step Forward, Two Steps Back?
The European Court of Justice has made a ruling this week that has got European scientists rather upset. It's got to do with a patent, an invention, and stem-cells. Joanna Bostock spoke to Professor Ian Wilmut from the Centre for Regenerative Medicine at Edinburgh University to find out more...
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The Pirate Party Movement
The title says it all folks. Steven Hill, American political talking head, has been looking into the pirate party movement, and told Joanna Bostock about its beginnings.
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