Standort: / Meldung: "Acid Attacks in Afghanistan and New Model Police in Austria"

Steve Crilley

God, what's happening in the world! A reality check on the web.

15. 7. 2011 - 14:26

Acid Attacks in Afghanistan and New Model Police in Austria

Women on the streets of Kabul demand to be left alone and border patrol/immigration police get a new set of rules in Austria.

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It’s a typical Summer news day – a lot of smaller news stories that aren’t really big enough headliners. News that’s bubbling along with small twists and turns like:- the conflict in Libya, bank stress tests and US debt. The phone-hacking saga continues in the UK whilst pressure builds on the Murdochs in America as the FBI starts to take a closer look at what may or may not have gone on there too.

Meanwhile amongst all the stories, one that was particularly interesting was a piece that a few networks were reporting on from Afghanistan. It was about a protest by women – probably for the first time a march like this has happened since the rise and fall of the Taliban. The protest was small but approximately 50 brave women and some men marched through the streets of Kabul, with their placards held high, demanding greater respect from men. Of course they were shouted down by angry passers-by but their action was at least a start - be it a small start.

The situation for women and girls has not improved that much in recent years. The problem is that social norms tolerate the abuse, the violence, the verbal insults and the sexual harassment that women experience on a daily basis. About one third of women experience this everyday but the presence of these protesting women, followed by camera teams from the international media may make people in Afghanistan stop and think and discuss the issue.

Afghan woman


Afghan Women
A small but poignant demonstration was held in Afghanistan's capital city yesterday. Women wearing make-up and high heels took to the streets to protest the sort of 'casual' sexual harrasment they are subjected to every day in their city. A few men supported their efforts too. How well were they received?

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Fremdenpolizeimodell NEU
Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner is presenting a new approach to police conduct when it comes to border patrols and immigration centers. We were at the press conference where she laid out the new plans.

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