Standort: / Meldung: "Zero hour - in Libya and London"

Riem Higazi

Cultural mash-ups, political slip-ups, and other things that make me go hmmm.

8. 7. 2011 - 13:26

Zero hour - in Libya and London

In Libya, rebels prepare an attack on Tripoli, while in London, David Cameron pledges police, political and press reform after the News of the World phone hacking scandal

We want freedom from oppression, we want freedom from obsession, that only one man rules our lives, that he can kill us as he survives...

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A popular Libyan rap song with lyrics reflecting the feelings of Libyans as they await The Zero Hour… I investigate the latest developments after 100 days of war in Libya plus: The End of the News of the World—as hundreds of people lose their jobs and I lose a valuable source of Z-List British Celebrity gossip, the telephone hacking scandal is having truly serious consequences for the British tabloid.


  • Rebels prepare to atttack Tripoli

Libyans are talking about a "zero hour", when leader Muammar Gadaffi will be forced from power. Rebels are massing their forces and resources for an attack on Tripoli, but miliary analyst, Paul Rogers, says there could still be a long way to go before the conflict is finally resolved.

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  • News of the World to close on Sunday

In London, the phone hacking scandal has led to the end of the county's most popular tabloid, the News of the World - but it the scandal goes on. Prime Minister, David Cameron, has promised wide reaching reform in the police and political systems, as well as media regulation to ensure nothing like this happens again. Gennie Johnson talk to media analyst, Charlie Beckett, about the latest revelations and their implications.

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