Erstellt am: 6. 7. 2011 - 13:24 Uhr
A crack in the Murdoch media empire?
UK phone-hacking scandal
The British Prime Minister David Cameron finds himself at the centre of the row about media ethics and the power of the Rupert Murdoch global media empire, News International. There was already an uproar over allegations that journalists at one of Murdoch's Sunday newspapers, the News of the World, had been been hacking into politicians and celebrities' phones.

Now there are also claims of hacking into the phones of murder victims and victims of the London bombings in July 2005. FM4 reporter in London Olly Barrett told Steve Crilley that the latest revelations had totally changed the nature of the story. Olly explained why Murdoch's media outlets are so important to British politics and the potential repercussions for his media empire
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Amnesty: take Syria to the International Criminal Court
Amnesty International wants the United Nations Security Council to send Syria to the International Criminal Court. According to a new report by Amnesty, Syrian forces may have committed crimes against humanity when they crushed protests in the town of Tel Kelakh in May. Amnesty says dozens of men were arbitrarily detained and tortured. At least 9 people died in custody. The organisation compiled its report based on testimony from witnesses who describe methods of torture such as hanging a prisoner by his wrists so that only the tips of his toes touch the ground. Philip Luther, Amnesty International's Middle East and North Africa Deputy Director told Joanna Bostock the individual accounts have been crossed checked to ensure the reliability of the information. Luther also said that if the bloodshed in Syria is to stop, the international community must make it clear that Syrian leaders will be held responsible.
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