Standort: / Meldung: "Thousands of Somalis seek refuge in Kenya"

Kate Farmer

Cutting to the chase

28. 6. 2011 - 14:27

Thousands of Somalis seek refuge in Kenya

The desperate state of people arriving at the world's largest refugee camp, the Amazon of Europe, how young Europeans want more integration, pedal power in Holland, and the asteroid that missed.

Somalis fleeing famine and war seek refuge in Kenya

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Over a thousand refugees from Somalia pour into the world's largest refugee camp in Dadaab, Kenya, every day. Many of them have been walking for weeks to reach the camp and to escape from the violence and food shortages in their home villages. Children are nervous and aggressive, and need special counselling to become children again. Catherine Carter of Save the Children has just returned from the camp, and she told Steve Crilley about what she saw.

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The Amazon of Europe

Chris Cummins reports on the WWF's fight to protect the region in Croatia called The Amazon of Europe.

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More EU integration to fight economic crisis?

While Euro-sceptics are talking about the end of the Euro and the European Union, members of the European Youth Parliament say that more integration and unity is the way out of trouble. Jakob Hager, a member of the EYP, explains their philosophy to Joanna Bostock.

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Amsterdam's pedal power example to Austria

As Vienna unviels plans to appoint a "cycling chief" and double the number of cyclists on the roads in the next 4 years, Chris Cummins looks to the example Holland, where over a quarter of all daily journeys are made by bike. Journalist, Pero de Jon, explains what the Dutch are doing right.

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The asteroid that missed

We all had a narrow miss yesterday. An asteroid the size of a bus whizzed past just 12.000 kilometers away. Space expert Nick Pope told Steve Crilley about the risks posed by asteroids, and says we really do have somethig to worry about.

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