Standort: / Meldung: "Today's Webtip: Libya"

Dave Dempsey

Dave digs the Dirt, webtips, IT-memes and other online geekery. Also as Podcast.

22. 2. 2011 - 11:25

Today's Webtip: Libya

A page full of useful resources and some other interesting links

Zum Nachhören

The Libyan protests have turned into a nightmare, with reports coming out that the government used anti-aircraft guns on it's own people, and the entire situation rapidly escalating to a full blown civil war. Until yesterday no foreign correspondents were reporting from Libya, the country was actively jamming radio and television transmissions from beyond it's borders and communications within the country have been extremely difficult.

This not only makes it difficult for the rest of the world to know what's happening, but cuts the Libyan people cut off from information within their own country.

In an attempt at keeping some form of communications channels open. Operation Libya White Fax is one of those. Since the telephone lines have been maintained, a French ISP has set up dial-up access for people in Libya. People have been faxing the numbers to a list of fax numbers that have also been provided.

You can find more resources and current news at the site:

Here are some interesting feeds to follow:
Ben Wedeman CNN reporter who crossed the border yesterday.

Nazanine Moshiri AJE correspondent from London who is currently waiting at the Border.

AJELive is the English Al Jazeera twitter account

And you can also download an AJE app for your phones
For Apple Samsung and Nokia
And a clip service for other phones

Update: Apparently the jamming has stopped and internet access is available but irregular. I found an eyewitness interview done yesterday over Skype that is very much worth reading: