Erstellt am: 19. 2. 2011 - 15:04 Uhr
Christmas in Uganda.
.....Uganda’s army says it will respect the result of the presidential election even if long-serving leader Yoweri Museveni were to lose vote. But the chances of that happening are about the same as Father Christmas coming to life!
Serenity on Lake Victoria
.....away from the problems connected with any Ugandan election, a somewhat quieter scene is to be found on the shores of Lake Victoria (Africa's largest lake) near Kampala.
Inside Quality Chemicals Industries
...part of Uganda's strategy to battle AIDS includes the production of anti-retro viral medicines on its own soil. "Quality Chemicals Industries", a pioneering pharmaceutical company just opened East Africa's first anti-retro viral and anti-malarial drugs producing plant in Uganda.
Visiting former child soldiers in Northern Uganda
...the north of the country is still being haunted by the legacy of its past. A two decade long civil war between government forces - the UPDF- and a rebel group which called itself "The Lord’s Resistance Army" or LRA plunged the region into chaos. Led by the mysterious and infamous General Joseph Kony, the LRA tried to create a separate state based on the 10 commandments. The rebel group gained international attention for their brutal abduction of entire villages and recruitment of thousands of child soldiers.
And in case you missed it, check out Saturday's Reality Check all about Uganda.
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