Erstellt am: 27. 5. 2010 - 18:19 Uhr
Trans-Continental Hustle
Der Liebe wegen hat es Eugene Hütz von Gogol Bordello in eine der schönsten und freisten Städte dieser Welt verschlagen: Rio de Janeiro.
gogol bordello
In den zweieinhalb Jahren, die Hütz in Rio gelebt hat, sind die Songs, die auf "Trans-Continental Hustle" zu hören sind, geschrieben worden. Produziert hat das Album Rick Rubin, of Beastie Boys und Run DMC Fame, der zuletzt mit dem großen Johnny Cash an dessen Vermächtnis gearbeitet hat. Eugene Hütz ,der heute (27. Mai 2010) mit seiner Band Gogol Bordello im Gasometer spielt, über die Entstehung von "Trans-Continental Hustle":
"I wrote it in Rio but I recorded it in California with the whole band but Brazil was kind of my focus point for the last two years. So of course I traveled all over the world with my band but I would always go to Rio and complete all the impressions in the form of the songs.
natalie brunner
Natalie Brunner: On your Myspace you wrote a beautiful text how music gives us the power helps us, to continue, helps us to deal with the various struggles we have in our lives and I think Rio is the best place in the world where this is proven to be true.
"Yeah it is kind of a thing that rich people from the west can never understand. Why are all this poor people so happy. They say this when they visit India or Brazil or other countries. It is really their lack of understanding that material stuff is not where it is at and that is not to say that poverty is not devastating. It is devastating. I have seen it and not everybody copes with it well but the school of spiritual strength and thought that comes out of that environment is much stronger than the school of self-actualization that comes out of the west so it is always of course super inspiring to see people that have literally nothing build music from the scratch and that becomes their remedy for just about anything"