Erstellt am: 16. 3. 2010 - 11:06 Uhr
Today's Webtip: Alice in Wonderland
Some of you might not know this, but Alice in Wonderland was once a book. Actually, it started out as a story told to three young girls in a boat on a river. Alice, one of the three young girls, liked the story so much that she asked Charels Dodgson, an Oxford mathematician to write it down.
And so he did.

Lewis Carroll's art Copyright © The British Library Board
Two years after the original boat trip, Charles presented Alice with the manuscript. A neatly written 90 page book including 37 illustrations by the Author.
Friends of Charles were so taken by the work that they encouraged him to publish it. Assuming the pen name Lewis Carroll, he put out a slightly altered version of the book, with new illustrations done by John Tenniel.
Now you have a chance to see the original, including the illustrations done by the author. It has been scanned and placed online by the British Library and it is a joy to behold.
And for those of you thinking of seeing the latest film version, here's a little tip. Go to a matinee showing. Some films are much better with a bunch of kids in the audience.