Erstellt am: 30. 4. 2009 - 12:55 Uhr
Today's webtip: Lord of the Fan Films
It's getting more and more difficult to find a form of media that can't be produced and distributed by dedicated amateurs these days. While the web has made us all publishers, and desktop audio software and hardware has made it possible for bathrobe producers to sprout up across the planet, only film, blockbuster film, has been able to hold old against the D.I.Y. hordes.
But that might not be the case for much longer.

Independent Online Cinema / Rickety Shack Films.
Sure, anyone with a cam and a laptop can edit video on the go, and lowbudget story telling has been opened up to everyone for quite some time, but the abillity to produce an effects heavy action packed bit of cinema is a bit beyond your average kid in a garage.
A handful of skilled individuals with some freetime on the other hand...
They might be able to produce a 45 minute feature that actually looks good. I don't know yet though. All I have seen so far is the trailer.
I sure hope they had all their drehgenehmigungen in order.