Erstellt am: 5. 3. 2009 - 13:58 Uhr
Today's webtip: The Silicon Dawn Tarot

Egypt Urnash
Tarot decks are cool. Not because they are supposed to be able to help you look into your future, but because they are chock full of symbolism that can give you a pretty interesting look into the history of the human psyche. And they do it with pretty pictures.
Of course, some are prettier than others. And some take the whole symbolism thing to navel gazing depths that can make me feel slimy inside.
But some of them hit it just right. The Silicon Dawn Tarot drops in lots of modern things and mixes it all up with some of the typical old crap and even leaves you one or two pretty little jokes to chuckle at.
You can look at them here:
And I would advise taking a trip over to the artists livejournal page featuring her discussion of the cards. You can find the link at the bottom of the gallery page.