Standort: / Autorenbereich von Riem Higazi

Riem Higazi

Cultural mash-ups, political slip-ups, and other things that make me go hmmm.


Violent protests as Egypt's military threatens to hold on to power

Reality Check: Egypt protests, Libya captures Gaddafi son and aide, cybercrime in Russia, minority languages song contest.


Reality Check: What happens when you sleep?

Riem Higazi will be focusing on what really happens when we’re in bed during "Slumberland: What Happens When We Sleep", this Saturday as of 12 midday on FM4’s Reality Check.


RC Today: **BREAKING NEWS** Gaddafi Dead!

Today's Reality Check was chock-a-block with stories about corruption, pirates, stem-cells, cash-woes, and guns but the highlight was definitely the breaking news!

Occupy Wall Street

US Media finally notice the "Occupy Wall Street" movement

Reality Check: Greece 24 hour strikes, Syria's protests making ground slowly, Occupy Wall Street ignored in media, Bulgaria anti-Roma protests, Apple's super hype i-phone.

Website der Radiostation

Radio, what's new?

Egyptian girls love you.

Vladimir Putin

What's Old is New Again

Reality Check: Putin - the Comeback Kid, The Arctic Sea Ice Puddle, Saudi Women Can Vote, Wangari Maathi Passes Away, and Kenyan Agriculture Evolves Further.

Julian Assange auf dem Buchcover zu seiner Autobiographie

The Curious Case of the Autobiography of Julian Assange

A frank discussion with the publisher of Assange's unauthorized autobiography and a subjective view of the Wikileaks founder's person.

Protestierende gegen die Todesstrafe für Troy Davis

Reality Check: Controversy All Around

The execution of Troy Davis, Ahmedinejad in NYC, the Pope in Germany, Facebook woes, and a quest for a car-free future.

auma obama

Dr. Auma Obama: Yes She Can!

She's not standing in anyone's shadow. Check out what's on her mind, this Saturday as of 12 midday on an FM4 Saturday Reality Check Special.

Karim El Gawhary

The Superior Egyptian Gene

Karim El Gawhary's book 'Tagebuch der Arabischen Revolution' has just been published and it's a major page-turner.


In England, it’s known as doing a 'runner'

Reality Check: Gaddafi family members flee to Algeria and the Austria Telekom corruption allegations


"It is the tortured who turn into torturers"

Reality Check: Dealing with war crimes in Libya and the split in the Catholic Church in Austria.

Zwei Frauen legen Blumen nieder

We Are Norway

It has been a dreadful weekend for Norway, for Europe, and for the world.


Zero hour - in Libya and London

In Libya, rebels prepare an attack on Tripoli, while in London, David Cameron pledges police, political and press reform after the News of the World phone hacking scandal


The Most Famous Little Dead Girl in the World

Caylee Anthony lived to be only two years old but the light she has shed on American society is bound to have a perpetually tragic impact.

frau mit kopftuch u sonnenbrille faehrt auto

The Koran says nothing about women and cars

If you are out and about in Saudi Arabia today, you will no doubt notice a taboo-breaking phenomenon: Women behind the steering wheels of cars!

Sebastian Kurz

This time it's personal

The New State Secretary for Integration

The Global Population Explosion

The 7 Billion Burden

The global population goes up while our chance for future survival goes down. A Reality Check Special on Saturday, 29.1.


Chat Like an Egyptian

Social network media lets us all be part of a possible revolution.

Tony Curtis

Goodbye Old Hollywood

Tony Curtis, June 3, 1925 - September 29, 2010

Storys von Riem Higazi