Standort: / Autorenbereich von Riem Higazi

Riem Higazi

Cultural mash-ups, political slip-ups, and other things that make me go hmmm.

Straße, Rauch steigt auf

Damascus: Three Days of Living Dangerously

A first-hand account of Syria, right now.

Hugo Chavez

New Era, Old Face

Reality Check: The results of the historic elections in Libya and a just-published Human Rights Watch report condemns President Hugo Chavez as he seeks re-election in Venezuela.

Brennendes Auto

Burning City and Burning Borders

Reality Check: Chemical weapons in Syria and the missing young people of post-revolution Tunisia.

Ägyptisches Parlament

Reality Check: Moving Forward Means Looking Back

The very curious case of the Egyptian Parliament, the Libyan elections, and South Sudan celebrates its first birthday.

Manfred Nowak

Enter the Ninja

Reality Check Saturday Special with Manfred Nowak: "Torture - A Personal Story"


Re-imagining Afghanistan through circus

My old and dear friend Adnan, juggles war-reporting with his need to help kids affected by war.

Vladimir Putin

From Russia, with Love?

Reality Check: the Russia/EU Summit in St. Petersburg, murky dealings within the Chinese entertainment industry, air travel safety in Africa, education reform in Austria, and new internet suffix regulations.

Ägypter beim Wählen

Egyptian Presidential Election: WhoWhatWhyWhen?

Reality Check: The Egyptian Presidential Election as it unfolds, the cost of protesting in Russia, Iran's nuclear programme discussed in Baghdad, female sex tourism, and the launch of SpaceX.

osama bin laden

Osama, Obama and Afghanistani Drama

Reality Check: Obama marks the first year anniversary of Osama Bin Laden's death in Afghanistan, Egypt's presidential election, a dissident makes things awkward for Chinese-American relations, politics and EURO-Footie in Ukraine, and the smackdown between 2 London mayor candidates.


Reality Check: Rockets and Internet, Intercepted

Japan and North Korea square off, Myanmar gets ready to vote, will Saturday be an Internet-free day?, the European far-right, and MSF takes us to Chad.

Vater mit Kind

Reality Check: Guns A-Blazin' and Love is All Around

The latest on the shootings in France, the Pope Goes to Mexico, American soldier to be charged with murder, Israel HEARTS Iran, and the pros and cons of neuroscience.


Hungary's PM Does Not Heart the EU

Reality Check: Victor Orban tells the EU to mind its own business, refugees in South Sudan need help before the rain comes, the cost of the London Olympic Village, the poignant story of a Syrian student, and the 'Twitterfication" of old-school media.


Syria - The Year of Living Dangerously

Reality Check: Syria - one year of revolution, the Israeli-Palestinian ceasefire that hasn't ceased, the ICC convicts its first war criminal, double-standards in Morrocan women's rights, and can LSD cure alcoholism?

German President

Reality Check: German President Wulff Gets One

The resignation of the German President, New Libya turns one, the on-going Iran/Israel stare-down, a hidden lake in Antarctica, and a look inside Avalanche Survival Camp.


Brand New Riot Gear

The Psychology and Technology of 21st Century Public Order

Strache beim WKR-Ball

"Die neuen Juden" and The Same Old, Same Old

Reality Check: Heinz Christian Strache and reverse psychology, pensions may not live forever, Florida hosts a US Republican show-down, Greece wants to be left alone, and an Austrian Sparpaket is a hard thing to agree upon

Spanish people waiting for a job

Money, Anger, Sport and War on Stage

Reality Check: EU Youth Unemployment, a financial transaction tax, protests in Russia, London's Olympic Village, and a play about the Iraq War.

Christopher Hitchens mit Westernhut

Reality Check: Truth and Consequences

Russia and Syria, the next Russian President, Bradley Manning goes to pre-trial, Zynga goes to Wall Street, and prominent journalist Christopher Hitchens does not go to heaven or hell.


What is the Definition of Madness?

The British Embassy in Tehran gets ransacked, the UK comes to a virtual stand-still, a film festival dedicated to human rights, re-assessing Stonehenge, and the Norway shooter has definitively been declared insane.

Unterschrift mittels Fingerabdruck

Old Conflicts and New Drugs

Reality Check Today: Austrian soldiers injured in Kosovo, elections in Congo, panic stations in Brussels?, and the problem with generic drugs from India.

Storys von Riem Higazi