Erstellt am: 1. 1. 2009 - 14:39 Uhr
FM4 Update
Vormittags auf FM4, zwei Stunden mit Ausgeh- und Kino-Empfehlungen und viel Musik. Oft mit Julie McCarthy und Hal Rock, manchmal übernehmen auch Dave Dempsey, Riem Higazi oder Chris Cummins.
Julie McCarthy
So Julie, what do you work at?I’m in radio.
Really, what station?FM4.
Oh right, and what do you do there?I present a show from 10-12 in the morning.
Wow, that must be a fun job to have, listening to and talking about music… you must really love it!Yeah, in fact I do – I’m lucky enough to be able to say I love my job!??
I’ve had this conversation many times over the last 9 years that I’ve been at FM4, and it’s still true. I love music, all kinds of music, so what better job for me? I get to play the newest and finest alternative music, some albums before they even hit the shelves. I get to find out about and tell you about the best DJ sets and live gigs, and the movies that are hitting our cinemas before they come. I get to work with open, interesting, talented people who love to make good radio. And if that weren’t already enough, I get to do it all in my native language, whilst still being in a foreign country!!
So yeah, if it sounds like I’m enjoying myself on air, there’s a simple reason for that – I am!
Pamela Rußmann
Hal Rock
We will be updating the listeners, letting them know what's happening. There's is a Gig Guide, telling of the latest bands coming to Austria. We'll also be giving you an update on what's happening in the cinema, some ideas of where to go and what to see. Also of course, one can't do anything nowadays without the internet and in Update there will also be a web tip. And of course we mustn't forget that there'll be an 'Album of the week' each week and each day we'll bring a different track from that album. So I really think there'll be a little bit of something for everybody in the show.
Pamela Rußmann