Erstellt am: 1. 1. 2009 - 08:21 Uhr
FM4 Unlimited
Don't call it a mash up... They've been here for years!
Established in 2005, Unlimited is FM4's flagship daily mix show. Resident hosts and DJs Functionist and Beware select and present the best of underground dance and pop music in a compact, dynamic one hour dj mix. The mass appeal of FM4 Unlimited makes it an important source for listeners to enjoy the latest sounds, but also a valuable platform for electronic music makers to present their tunes.
Tune in, monday to friday 2-3 pm or here:
Every show is available for one week
Playlists finden sich im Radioprogramm - further information on
FM4 Unlimited
FM4 Unlimited
FM4 Unlimited
FM4 Unlimited
FM4 Unlimited

Radio FM4