Standort: / Unterseite "Radio" / Meldung: "FM4 Reality Check"

1. 1. 2009 - 08:23

FM4 Reality Check

Reality Check: Stories behind the headlines



mit Riem Higazi, Steve Crilley, Chris Cummins und Hal Rock


Reality Check: Stories behind the headlines

With correspondents and contacts around the world, FM4's midday news magazine investigates the stories behind the headlines to put you at the axis of what's happening, as it happens.

Whether the forum is political, sociological, cultural or just plain weird, we get the answers to the questions everyone wants to ask.

There's an onslaught of media outlets where you can get your information but all you need is a Reality Check, from Mondays to Fridays, 13:00 to 14:00.

Steve Crilley

Paul Brennan

Steve Crilley


Reality Check is available as a podcast. To subscribe, copy link below into your podcast player or listen to the episodes online: