24 Ideen zur Rettung der Welt. Heute: eine temporäre Behausung, um lebenswerte Bedingungen für Geflüchtete und hilfsbedürftige Menschen weltweit zu schaffen.
24 Ideen zur Rettung der Welt. Heute: Wie ein 14-jähriger mit einer Windmühle aus Fahrradteilen und Schrott das Haus seiner Familie mit Strom versorgt.
The Turkish government's hostile takeover of the best-selling newspaper Zaman (which means 'Time' in English) is yet another way for Turkish President Erdogan to say, "Criticise me and suffer the consequences."
Guns DO kill people and so do the people who have guns and missiles and tanks and cluster munitions and rocket-propelled grenades and tanks and so on. So how do you stop the killing? International arms trade embargoes. That's what the EU Parliament and Amnesty International are working on...
Reality Check: France meets Russia, terror raids in Germany, approved asylum in Austria, anti-refugee police brutality in Serbia/Montenegro, and the CARE package turns 70.
The ORF's Chief Middle East Correspondent and the Head of its Cairo Bureau, Karim El-Gawhary has co-authored a new book called "Auf der Flucht". A Saturday Reality Check Special with Karim El-Gawhary.
Reality Check: Human rights lawyer Manfred Nowak on real solutions to European policies regarding refugees and Ilias Chatzis, the Chief of Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling Section (UN Office on Drugs and Crime).
Bill Cosby was THE all-American dad of the eighties and a self-appointed moral compass for especially the African American community after that... Now he can add serial rapist to his legacy.