Standort: / Autorenbereich von Joanna Bostock

Joanna Bostock

Reading between the headlines.


The misfortunes of an ousted president

Reality Check: Morsi on trial; Migrant protests in Israel; Syrian chemical weapons removed; Extreme cold in US; Spanish royal summoned in corruption investigation.

Mikhail Khodorkovsky

Public Relations Moscow Style

Reality Check: Khodorkovsky freed; responding to South Sudan's crisis; the EU & defence; 2013 - the acoustic edition.

Geldscheine, Euro-Banknoten

Towards EU banking union?

Reality Check: EU talks on banking union; Obama's Sochi message to Putin; South Sudan unravels; remembering the Vietnam war.

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela - the life of an icon

The story of Nelson Mandela is the story of "two things he never gave away: his brilliant mind and his great heart".

WTO: India says No

Reality Check - World Trade Organisation talks in Bali; America's place in the world; time to worry about dementia; the work of a teacher; the 13 year old computer systems prodigy.


A question of trust?

Reality Check: Afghanistan's future security; Arctic 30 activists released on bail; suspect in Paris shooting arrested; Northern Ireland's painful history; fracking in Botswana.

Verzweifelter Mensch auf den Philippinen

Fighting uphill battles

Reality Check: Philippines aid effort; Acidification of the oceans; Obamacare; the budget "hole" and coalition talks; Pornography and sex education.


Every Voice Matters

Reality Check: Middle East - the peace talks, an online debating initiative and Palestinian filmmaker Shoufani; Greece and the Troika; the Open Source Economy.

Überwachung-Karikatur. US-Wappenadler mit Kameras und Satellitenschüsseln

Washington Telephone Conversation

Reality Check: Growing EU-US tension over spying; remembering the life and music of Lou Reed; Czech political turmoil; Bulgaria's wall against Syrian refugees; Russian activist Ksenia Emroshina.

Angela Merkel

"They're all at it"

Reality Check: take EU leaders' anger over NSA spying with a pinch of salt; the pitfalls of the digital single market; Turkey's democratic progress; Iran and human rights; Elevate festival in Graz.


Better or Worse?

Reality Check: Life in Libya two years after the revolution which toppled dictator Muammar Gaddafi.


Problem solved - but for how long?

Reality Check: The US debt deal; Global Slavery Index; Russia's Navalny free; Erich Priebke; Rhino Poaching.

Österreichkarte mit markiertem Wien

Boomtown Vienna

Population 1.75 million and growing.

Soldaten tragen eine Leiche

A European Tragedy

Reality Check: shock at migrant shipwreck; political detentions in Syria; Team Stronach in trouble; "Reporter '14" competition.

Berlusconi, Hand vorm Gesicht

Is this (really) the end of Berlusconi?

Reality Check: Berlusconi's humiliation; Russia & Greenpeace; Silk Road website; health of oceans; securing Syria's chemical weapons


Ending the Syria Deadlock

Reality Check: US & Russia agree on a Syria resolution; Austrian election campaign; Qatar slave labour report; the "White Widow"; crossing Canada by train.

Syrischer Flüchtling

Syrian Refugee Camp

Reality Check: visiting Syrian refugees in Jordan; the changing landscape of Austrian political parties.

David Cameron

Britain Backs Out

Reality Check: British parliament defies Prime Minister David Cameron on Syria military action.


No decision yet on Syria strike

Reality Check: uncertainty & political rows slow Syria response; the mood off the coast of Syria in Cyprus.

UN-Sondergesandter Brahimi

Intervention without a resolution?

Reality Check: the legality of a strike on Syria; the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech.

Storys von Joanna Bostock