Radio FM4
Journalist and presenter of FM4 Morningshow, Update and Reality Check (basically everything in the morning).
Reality Check: EU border crackdown; North Korea; Africa's jihadists; #NOTINMYNAME; 20 years Dayton Peace Accords
Reality Check: Intelligence failures; Gender equality; Integration in Austria; Superbug vs. antibiotics; Orthorexia
Reality Check: Raid in St. Denis; Anonymous vs. ISIS; Syria: The Military Options; Germany Football terror threat; Hungary's imprisoned refugees
Reality Check: France's state of emergency; Sharm el Sheikh; Molenbeek; Surveillance and intelligence; CETA and TTIP
Reality Check: WADA slams Russia; EU and climate Change; Turkey's time bomb; David Cameron and the EU; Seaworld
Reality Check: World Bank report; Sierra Leone Ebola-free; Myanmar elöections; Netanyahu and Obama; Delhi traffic deaths
Reality Check:Assad in Moscow; NATO maneuvers; Hinkley Point; Myanmar's Rohingya; Superforecasting
Reality Check: Slovenia / Croatia; Marine Le Pen; Justin Trudeau; Walk 21; Sea Change
Reality Check: EU, Turkey and the refugees; Uber economy; Ebola; VW recall; Indian writers' protest
Reality Check: MH17 Report; new approach to climate Change; US Democratic presidential debate; Racism in Austria; Syrian Kurds and war crimes
Reality Check: Unsafe Harbour; Air France; Syria's warring parties; Angela Davis
Reality Check: EU / Turkey; UNHCR - refugees; MSF Kunduz; Portugal elections, Nas Campanella
Reality Check: Israel's "terrorist" settlers; Traiskirchen closes its doors; Integration in Birmingham, UK
Reality: Suruc; Migrants, asylum seekers and refugees
Reality Check: Germany / Greece; Obama's legacy
Reality Check: G7 summit; Greek debt crisis; Young socialists protest Red/ Blue coalition; Turkey: HDP
Reality Check: FIFA; TTIP; Freedom Act; Austrian coalition challenge; European Cycling Day
Reality Check: ISIS conference; Caitlyn (Bruce) Jenner; Airline safety; South China Sea
Reality Check: FIFA: Blatter's defence; Jordan: refugee crisis; FIFA: Prince Ali bin Al-Hussein; Tech Wars; Svalbard polar bears
Reality Check: FIFA; Tony Blair; FIFA/USA; Environmental justice