Radio FM4
Dave digs the Dirt, webtips, IT-memes and other online geekery. Also as Podcast.
And the crew that hacked the war machine.
A live action version of my favorite anti-hero.
A cornucopia of ancient documentation.
A few thoughts on online options for political action.
A collection of alternatives to some track-happy apps.
Using an American revolutionary to illustrate the value of metadata.
Snakes on a plane? How about snakes in a tub?
Nothing can kill a plot device like the laws of physics.
The cake doesn't have to be a lie, but the copyright might be.
An extensive collection of ancient classics.
The Beastles are back. Get it while you can.
Details and dark humor.
an internet short might just make it to the big screen.
Things have only gotten worse since 2007.
finally, an alternative game for the touchy-feely type
a lovely collection of classic time killers.
Time for a feel-good video.
Reddit and MeFi are filling in the gaps in information.
Counting down to the death of Reader with RSS reader reviews.
The Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art has a YouTube channel. It's lovely.