Radio FM4
Dave digs the Dirt, webtips, IT-memes and other online geekery. Also as Podcast.
A Russian animated adaptation of a short story from Ray Bradbury.
A look at the current state of "enhanced interrogation" in the U.S.
Bill Moyers and Paul Krugman come to terms with our not so new overlords.
A Siri hack that helps explain some security issues.
one woman, one boat and a whole lot of water
Imagine Ralph Steadman were an animator
The original text of Hunter S. Thompson's classic is available online.
Strengthen your security by activating two factor authentication.
A rundown of the sites whose passwords you need to change now.
xkcd makes it all very easy to understand
And the documentation of real life action sequences.
Translating thesis titles into their real world equivalents.
A script in German about writing with content outlines.
The American Civil Liberties Union has made the Snowden documents available in a searchable database.
What do you get when you cross Johnny Bravo with Depeche Mode and Medal of Honor?
Human Rights Watch have released a report on the near total surveillance taking place in Ehtiopia.
He's taking on Attenborough with a series of nature commentaries.
a game jam gone wrong provides us with fantastic behind the scenes coverage of the business of reality. TV.
An italian magician made a video that left me in tears.
George R.R. Martin has shared an excerpt from Winds of Winter.