Radio FM4
Dave digs the Dirt, webtips, IT-memes and other online geekery. Also as Podcast.
A teen recorded a spat with his parents in 1985. Now it's an animated short.
Why staying in neighbouring countries doesn't cut it for Syrian refugees, and one way to help them in the camps.
A look at the reasons behind refugee hate-posts.
An illustrated bedtime book of Swedish folk-tales.
a collection of links for those who want to help the latest wave of refugees.
Rats, Ships, and Ney York City. A story of bungling and bubonic plague.
a rather comprehensive musical genre map. It got me lost.
They are ready for the Landtagswahlen Wien. Are you?
an interview with he merging mind of an artificial intelligence android.
Open Bionics are doing their best to make sure the 6 Million Dollar Man will actually be a lot less expensive.
A Deeper Look at Some of the Most Stunning Exploitation Movie Posters of All Time
A behind the scenes look at the science of silent skating.
The New York Times takes a look at the role technology has played for modern refugees.
Openculture has a massive list of free language lessons.
An amazing animation made from found footage.
The U.S. presidential primaries just keep getting better and better.
How number crunching is teaching us about the night travels of our feathered friends.
a collection of web weirdness and other modern mysteries.
The Temporary Autonomous Zone, Ontological Anarchy, and Poetic Terrorism. The original text and some context.
Trippy soviet propaganda from 1924.