Standort: / Autorenbereich von Christian Cummins

Chris Cummins

Letters from a shrinking globe: around the day in 80 worlds.

Gebäude in den französischen Nationalfarben

Paris: Living Well Is The Best Revenge

Five weeks after the terror attacks in Paris the tourists are still scarce but the city is defiant. A love letter to the French capital.

Presidence De La Cop

The End of the Fossil Fuel Era?

We have a deal on fighting climate change - heralded as a "historic turning point". Do we have a plan to save the planet?


"Countries here are fighting for their existence"

The stakes are incredibly high - as climate negotiations go into extra time. A Briefing on what to watch out for at COP21.


"Will our children be able to live at all?”

The US Secretary of State makes an empassioned speech, a polar bear roars, but will we get "climate justice"? A fascinating day in Paris.

Nnimmo Bassey

"It's Just An Excuse Not To Cut Emissions"

Protesters at the Paris climate change summit say a much heralded forest protection scheme dispossesses the poor and absolves the rich of responsibility. A "false solution" for global warming?

Brussels, Soldier and Policemen on the street

Safety or Privacy? Is it a Choice?

Heavily-armed soldiers patrol the streets of Brussels, while inside their glassy buildings EU officials grapple with maintaining European values in an era of terror.


Do We Live In A Businessocracy?

Does the influence and power of corporate lobbyists water down environmental and health protection and outweigh the democratic will of European voters?


Why Paris Might Succeed Where Copenhagen Failed

Ahead of the Meeting to Save The Planet 2:0 - there is (believe me!) some grounds for optimism.

Climate March Teilnehmer

Climate March in Vienna

It's official - Batman, some raindrops and a Samba band agree: We need climate action now.

The Amnesty International business and human rights researcher has spent weeks in the towns and villages of Africa’s biggest oil producing region this year

The Curse of Oil in Africa

A dark stain on corporate responsibility - Shell is accused by Amnesty International of "manifestly failing" to fulfill its promise to clean up the Niger Delta.


Forest Theft - The Destruction of A Natural Treasure

How Europe's last great virgin forest in Romania is being destroyed and an Austrian company is accused of complicity.


The Future Of Vienna's Mobility

On the eve of Vienna's election, what might the future bring for mobility in the city?

Peter Habeler

"We Don't Conquer Mountains, They Tolerate Us"

As the Nepalese authorities move to reduce crowding on Everest, we speak to Peter Habeler, part of the first team to climb the great mountain without supplementary oxygen.


The Domino Effect Of Extreme Weather

Global food security expert Tim Benton says the roots of our current refugee crisis can be linked back to extreme weather fuelled by climate change.

Manfred Nowak

"We Have Made Them Dependent On Smugglers"

Human rights lawyer Manfred Nowak says that by making asylum applications so difficult, the EU has made desperate refugees reliant on smugglers.

Eiserner Vorhang

A New Fence For Fortress Europe

Fidesz politician Anna Magyar defends the 170km anti-migrant fence on Hungary's border with Serbia.

Jugendliche im Georg-Danzer-Haus

A Fresh Start - An Ersatz Family

The Georg Danzer house in Vienna's 19th district is trying to give young refugees a helping hand in a new life.

Ingemars Dzenis

Weathering Austerity

Post-crash, Latvia suffered the worst recession and the harshest austerity in Europe. Its recovery has been impressive. Are there lessons to be learned?

Menschen auf der Bühne

There is no “Other” there is just “Us”

Finding ways of tackling extremism worldwide - a Saturday Reality Check Special.

Ein bunter Kreis

A Front Line For Gay Rights

The Europride 2015 in Riga, Latvia starts today. Anti-gay protests are expected to turn out in force to counter the party. That's why Riga is the right host city, say organizers.

Storys von Christian Cummins