Erstellt am: 30. 9. 2015 - 14:19 Uhr
Kunduz: "... more than a setback"
Afghan forces are struggling to retake the city of Kunduz which was captured by the Taliban on Monday.
It was the Taliban's most successful action since they were ousted by the US led invasion in 2001, and it's a big problem for the Afghan authorities.

Military analyst, Paul Beaver, discusses the significance of the latest developments.
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Kermadec Ocean Sanctuary
Seth Horstmeyer, Campaigns Director of the Global Ocean Legacy, explains the importance of New Zealand's
decision to establish a vast ocean part off its coastline.

EPA/NZ Ministry of Environment
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Russia approves air strikes on Syria
The Russian parliament has approved military deployment in Syria, following a request from Syria for military aid. It's expected the intervention will be limited to air strikes. Charles Maynes reports from Moscow.
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The right way to manage refugees
Migration expert, Bernhard Perchinig of the Danube University, explains how politicians should be handling the current wave of refugees to help them best, and to prevent anti-immigrant populism from taking hold.
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