Erstellt am: 29. 12. 2011 - 13:04 Uhr
Today's Webtip: Hack Politics
Tis the season to be hacking, troll lo lo lo, lo lo lo lo..
Or something like that. This is the time of year I always wish I could be in Berlin, as billions of particles come together for a serious information explosion.
Despite, (or maybe because) of some pre event rumblings about how mainstream the Chaos Communications Congress has become, there are some pretty impressive presentations that I really wish I could have seen.
Because we can all enjoy them online. And that is just what I would suggest we do. Especially since Nerdcore is doing such a lovely job curating a list of things to see.
Top of the list, and the only one I have had a chance of watching is this:
Another one (that I'm watching right now) that is very much worth your time if you are interested in the issue of anonymity or cansorship:
You can keep an eye on the rest by checking out the blogpost or for an unfiltered view you can just go to the the youtube channel for 28c3.